
Poster for Atomic Robo: Last Stop.

Atomic Robo: Last Stop is an upcoming animated short film produced by The Fictory, based off of the pulp action comic series, Atomic Robo. After being put on the backburner sometime on August 2010 due to company priorities, the project has been brought to attention once again in February 2012 as part of a crowdfunding campaign for $12,000 on Kickstarter. The campaign raised $72,941 and was fully funded. A "beta" version of the film was released on July 11, 2013 though a final, finished version with an epilogue is still unreleased. However, the film was screened at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design on February 6, 2015.[1][2]


In 1989, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, a "massive anomaly" has been detected in East Germany at an abandoned Soviet weapons depot. With a team of Action Scientists en route, Robo seeks to investigate and neutralize an incoming threat.

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