8-Bit Theater
Episode 004
Thief's line lost the little impact it had when the Gil system was introduced
Thief's line lost the little impact it had when the Gil system was introduced
Fight, heroes, fight!
Date Published March 11th, 2001
Previous Comic Episode 003: They call it "Giant's Forest" for a reason.
Next Comic Episode 005: Run heroes, run!
Read Episode

Fighter fends off the giant while Black Mage meets a new companion.

Cast Appearing[]



Fighter OK, big green and ugly. Prepare to face the invincible combat wrath of my tiger style sword technique!
Giant crushes Fighter
Fighter Good preparation.
Black Mage Hm, I wonder what that thunderous earth-shaking noise was. Well, I'm sure it wasn't important.
Thief A lone, defenseless mage running through the woods like a scared little girl, eh? Time to go to work.
Thief trips Black Mage
Black Mage Oof!
Thief Your GP or your HP!
Black Mage Man. That is so lame.