8-Bit Theater
Episode 037
BOOM! Everyone likes explosions!
BOOM! Everyone likes explosions!
Survivor 8-bit Style Part 2
Date Published Friday June 1st, 2001
Previous Comic Episode 036: Survivor 8-bit Style
Next Comic Episode 038: Survivor 8-bit Style Part 3
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Everyone wants Black Mage's Hat. Black Mage wants Red Mage's Hat.

Cast Appearing[]



Thief Look. We're going to vote one of us out, and we need your hat to do it.
Black Mage Why do we have to use my hat? Red Mage has a perfectly good hat. Use his.
Close up on Red Mage's hat with the words (see, it's a hat!) pointing to it.
Red Mage Hey! I'll have you know this is a Plumed Hat of Power. It gives me a +4 to my magic score. The only way you're getting this hat is off my cold, dead body.
Black Mage That can be arranged.
Red Mage You and what army of archfiends, chump-boy?
Black Mage and Red Mage growl at each other.
White Mage Come on now, guys. Let's settle this like adults.
Cut to Red Mage and a picture showing many rolling die.
Red Mage Lie about your saving roll?
Cut to Thief and a picture of an elderly person in a wheelchair helped by two carers.
Thief Steal from the elderly because they can't fight back?
Cut to Black Mage, Fighter and a picture of a mushroom cloud explosion.
Black Mage Blast a highly populated area into ashes, blame it on Fighter, and run like hell?
Fighter I knew you were lying about that! I don't even know any spells, mage. How could I nuke that town?
White Mage ...I think I'm going to vote myself off.