OK, I know what you're thinking, but this isn't what it looks like.
White Mage
It looks like this harmless child stumbled upon you while you were fixing the vote so you eliminated him as a witness and now you're doing away with his body as evidence in what will surely become this week's trial of the century.
Black Mage
Ha! Shows what you know. I fixed the vote way before he stumbled upon me. So there.
It's getting to be so that you can't trust anybody these days.
Red Mage
I would criticise him, but he really ought to get an XP bonus for staying in character.
Mage, how could you do this! I thought we could trust you!
Black Mage
I am evil, ya know. This is what I do.
White Mage scowls at Black Mage.
Black Mage
Well, I am.
White Mage
One side, jerk-ass.
Black Mage
(thinking)She wants me.
White Mage
It's a good thing I know my share of healing spells. Not to mention morals!