So I assume we'll have the full support of the Cornerian Army to back us up, right?
King Steve
Hmm.. not so much.
Red Mage
In that case, I'm sure you'll equip us with a horde of Corneria's most powerful items so we can hack and slash through everything without breaking a sweat. Right?
King Steve
Yes. Except replace the phrase 'most powerful' with 'weakest,' and 'equip you' with 'you'll have to buy.'
But I'm sure we'll be buying this new equipment with the massive down payment you'll give us for our requested services.
King Steve
Oh, of course. Only... no.
Black Mage
Let me get this straight. You want us to risk our lives to save your kingdom and you're not going to offer us the slightest iota of assistance?
It's awfully cost effective though!
King Steve
No no no no! Whatever gave you that idea? In fact, we have extensive intelligence regarding Garland's current location from our crack recon team.
Four ninjas appear.
We're only intern ninjas.
Black Mage
Now we're gettin' somewhere. Lay that recon info on us, King Steve.
The Ninjas confer, explain and whisper to King Steve.
King Steve
Garland's castle is North. And a little to the left.