8-Bit Theater
Episode 084
O' why does one walk one's path through one's wood?
O' why does one walk one's path through one's wood?
Maybe He's Greedy For a Good Cause?
Date Published Friday, October 5th, 2001
Previous Comic Episode 083: A Shout Out to All You Web-Heads Out There
Next Comic Episode 085: "I turned my Bag of Holding inside-out, wrapped it around me, and walked through the dungeon walls..."
Read Episode

We gain an insight into why Thief steals so much.

Cast Appearing[]


First Mention Of[]

  • Thief's lineage with the Elves.


An image of a footpath in a wood is shown.
Unknown You know that ours is a limited immortality!
Thief Yes, yes. We live as long as that which we are sworn to survives.
Unknown Exactly! And what would happen if you were the sworn protector of a kingdom on the verge of ruin?
Thief ...what are you saying?
Unknown The King. Did you think his declining health was simply a coincidence, young one?
Thief No... no, it cannot be.
Unknown Now you know the true price of out so-called 'ageless race'.
Thief I refuse to stand idly by while our sire riots like the very Earth of our once glorious kingdom.
Unknown What is it that you propose to do?
Thief It is quite simple. If the kingdom can be salvaged, then the King shall recover.
Unknown But how? The years of war against the Dwarven kingdom has bled us dry.
Thief The forests have been my charge, so I shall seek my fortune and my fate there. I will follow its paths, its will. It will guide me.
Back to the Inn.
Thief And so far it's guided me to several million gil worth of suckers. Suckers!