8-Bit Theater
Episode 096
Comic genius
Comic genius
Kant We Have an Intelligent Discussion for a Change?
Date Published Monday, November 19th, 2001
Previous Comic Episode 095: Black Belt's Got a Problem
Next Comic Episode 097: Heroes Gathered
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The Light Warriors discuss the Random Encounter they just had.

Cast Appearing[]



Cut back to the Light Warriors. Fighter and Thief are carrying the wounded Red Mage.
Black Mage Y'know, this is really pathetic.
Fighter What is?
Black Mage We just started our big important quest thing and we couldn't even get past the first encounter!
Thief We didn't lose.
Black Mage We didn't exactly win either. Captain Moron over here nearly got slain.
Red Mage I'm not dead yet...
Black Mage Don't tempt me.
Fighter Well, it was a good experience for us as a group anyway.
Red Mage Actually, since we don't get experience unless we defeat the monsters, it was a complete waste of our time.
Thief What're you talking about?
Regardless of whether or not the monsters were killed, we had an experience. You can't deny that.
Red Mage It's the law of our universe as chronicled in the player's handbook which was first scribed by--
Thief Look, I don't care what your books say...

All I know is that we, as temporal beings, exist in time.

Our reality is the space of experience measured in time.

Since the encounter did not happen outside of time-- as evidenced by the fact that we were capable of sensing it--it was experienced by us.

Red Mage I think we're operating under different meanings of 'experience'.
Fighter I think I'm bored out of my mind.
Black Mage I think you'd first need a mind to be bored out of.
Fighter Good point.