8-Bit Theater
Episode 1079
Ah, the beauty of language...
Ah, the beauty of language...
Verbal Flanking
Date Published Tuesday, January 6th, 2009
Previous Comic Episode 1078: Trickery, Trickery, Trickery
Next Comic Episode 1080: State of Confusion
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The Trickster God is out-tricked

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Thief I guess what confuses me is, I'm not sure why you think I owe you anything.
Raven Let me speak plainly then.
Raven There was a time I brought you back from death.
Raven In return, you promised to give me whatever I asked at a later, and unspecified date.
Raven Turns out that's now.
Thief But see, that just brings up a new thorny issue.
Raven Do tell.
Thief Well, I could say that the alleged agreement was made under duress and therefore invalid.
Of course, the only was anyone agrees with anything in Elfland is for one party to be under duress.
Otherwise, everyone just haggles and nothing gets done.
Thief So, I'll have to object on the grounds that you tricked me into thinking I was dead when I wasn't.
You didn't bring me "back" from anything at all.
Therefore, I don't owe you jack.
Raven How did you find out?
Thief I only suspected it until you confirmed it for me just now.
Three frames click by with Raven staring at Thief.
Raven Oops.