8-Bit Theater
Episode 1093
If I didn't know the context of this...
If I didn't know the context of this...
Night of Murder
Date Published Thursday February 12th, 2009
Previous Comic Episode 1092: The Rule of Three
Next Comic Episode 1094: Needs An Extreme Makeover
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Drizz'l has some serious issues.

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Drizz'l Just get out of here. All of you.
You're making it too awkward to kill. Shoo!
The other Dark Warriors leave.
Drizz'l Finally.
Drizz'l looks at the sleeping Light Warriors, then holds his head and leaves the room.
Drizz'l Goddammit.
Vilbert Couldn't do it, could you?
Drizz'l Goddammit.
Drizz'l I couldn't stop thinking about how peaceful they looked.
Drizz'l And I was so jealous of them!
This is your fault.
Vilbert Shhh. Let the healing begin.
Drizz'l "Healing" is code for group hug, isn't it?