8-Bit Theater
Episode 1096
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Date Published Thursday February 19th, 2009
Previous Comic Episode 1095: They're All Correct, Really
Next Comic Episode 1097: Evil Plan, Cliff's Notes Version
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Drizz'l finally takes charge, and the Dark Warriors may well meet their end for it.

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Drizz'l Let's say you meant that metaphorically, Bikke.
Bikke I don't know what no "Medafrohicky" be, all I's knowin' is ye better turn this ship about to shoot them broadside.
Drizz'l Ship? We're in a temple.
Bikke Aye! Temples be the ships o' the land. Everyone knows that.
Drizz'l I have nothing to say to that, because there is nothing to say.
Garland I think what Bikke means--
Drizz'l Who cares!
He's illiterate, can't count, and slightly drunk at all times.
Bikke I wouldn't say slightly.
Drizz'l We're not taking naval-inspired advice from a man less sea-worthy than a bag full of rocks.
Drizz'l We are summoning fell underbeasts from the depths of Hell to do our bidding and that's final.
Vilbert You mean our bidding, of course.
Drizz'l That is what I said.
Vilbert Oh. I assumed you'd slip up and say "my".
Drizz'l Well, I'm a good liar.
Drizz'l Now let's get to work before you think about that too much.
Garland Sounds reasonable to me.
Drizz'l First, I need you three to stand in the circle of fatal sacrifices.