Sarda almost fails to keep up his facade, again.
Cast Appearing[]
Fighter |
(at Black Mage) What's wrong with him?
Red Mage |
Oh, the gross inequities of the universe finally crushed his spirit.
Fighter |
Is that like a disgusting financial thing or what?
Red Mage |
Red Mage |
The vast chasm between what he wants and what he gets probably strained his sanity to its breaking point.
Fighter |
What's that weird sound?
Red Mage |
His tongue going down his throat.
Black Mage falls over...
Fighter |
Uh, should we help him?
Red Mage |
We'd get drool on our fingers, no way.
Fighter |
Good point.
Fighter |
Will he die?
Red Mage |
Well, no, not necessarily. There's a chance his impotent rage is so powerful that he'll collapse into a singularity of hate.
Red Mage |
Let's watch!
Sarda |
(pops out of nowhere) Goddamn, what's it take to get you morons to kill each other, anyway?
Sarda |
I mean hello.