8-Bit Theater
Episode 1201
Well, if this was Final Fantasy II, you'd have a 5% chance of gaining 5 HP!
Well, if this was Final Fantasy II, you'd have a 5% chance of gaining 5 HP!
The Thing About Wizards Is…
Date Published December 8th, 2009
Previous Comic Episode 1200: Shack Sounds Too Cheap
Next Comic Episode 1202: So, that’s where they’ve been.
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Black Mage and the shopkeep tire of talking.

Cast Appearing[]


  • A dark, musty magic shop
  • Outside


Black Mage Shouldn't I get some kinda discount on these spells?
Black Mage It's in your best intrests that I get them, y'know.
My use of those spells will stop you from getting killed by a dreadful monster.
Black Mage From outside our reality
Magic Seller These are the prices and like a fence or a short hedge, there is nothing you can do to get around that.
Black Mage Oh, there is something I can do.
Cut to outside, where Black Mage is covered in soot.
Black Mage What I learned today is that really old wizards don't get that way by being easy to kill.
Thief So, you didn't get any spells?
Black Mage In the sense that getting stabbed gives you a blade, man, I got spells.
Thief Okay.
I trust Tweedledum and Tweedleugly are done wasting our time?
Red Mage Which--
Thief Shhh, it doesn't matter.
Thief Let's take a walk on the Thief side.