8-Bit Theater
Episode 167
As BM puts it: SUCKS TO BE THEM!
As BM puts it: SUCKS TO BE THEM!
What What Goes Up Must Come Down
Date Published Friday, June 28th, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 166: Good Samaritan Laws Are Crap
Next Comic Episode 168: Impish Interlude
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Prontera meets a grisly fate and the Light Warriors get off scot free.


Cast Appearing[]


Picture of a massive mushroom cloud and the word "KA-FOOM!".
Fighter Well, there went Prontera.
Red Mage Thousands of lives lost in the blink of an eye.
Thief There'll be no evidence that their city ever was.
Black Mage Hm? Oh yeah. Uh, right. So...
Black Mage (closeup with fingers pointing) Sucks to be them!
Silence from the other Light Warriors.
Black Mage WHAT!
Red Mage In any case, we'd better be on our way, the rains are nigh upon us.

There ought to be a cave north of here where we can stay.
Black Mage Rain? You're crazy. Those aren't clouds, it's debris.
Red Mage Precisely. And where do you think all that airborn debris, including parts of people, is going to be when it lands?

Personally, I'd like some cover.
Bloody rain now falls upon the characters.
Black Mage So where's that cave again?
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the overworld...
Black Belt I think we're getting closer.
White Mage What tipped you off?
Black Belt I'd have to say it was the blood raining from the sky.
White Mage I was being rhetorical!