8-Bit Theater
Episode 168
The End(?) Interlude
The End(?) Interlude
Impish Interlude
Date Published Monday, July 1st, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 167: What Goes Up Must Come Down
Next Comic Episode 169: Inside the Mysterious Cave
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Catching up with Garland.


Cast Appearing[]


Meanwhile, within the deepest, darkest corners of Imp Forest, a force of great evil was exacting its revenge...
Garland (being cooked in a pot) HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
Forest Imp (many Imps circling the pot and chanting) Hoona Igna Chowa Neha! Hoona Igna Chowa Neha!
What, you didn't really think I was talking about Garland, did you? He's pathetic.
Garland Dear God, it burns!
Black Mage Did you guys hear somethin'?
Thief Naaaaw.
Red Mage
Forest Imp Keeheehee!