8-Bit Theater
Episode 178
All we need now is the lion
All we need now is the lion
A Little Bit of Confusion
Date Published Monday, July 29th, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 177: The First Side Quest!
Next Comic Episode 179: A Little More Confusion
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Fighter gets what he wants. Sort of.


Cast Appearing[]

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Red Mage Well, I guess we oughta get goin'. Y'know, before the poison kicks in and we die.
Fighter WAIT!
Black Mage Tsk, you don't have to yell.
Fighter Oh great and powerful Matoya! I beseech you.
Matoya Oh my! I haven't been besought since the '70s!
Fighter Tell unto me that which is the location of the most fabled Armor of Invincibility within thy cave!
Black Mage Fighter must be as dumb as Red Mage is stupid.
Red Mage Hey!
Black Mage I just calls 'em likes I sees 'em.
Anyway. That moron still thinks the--
Matoya Oh, that old thing? It's right over here collecting dust in the corner. Why do you ask?
Fighter Squee!
Matoya I've been wanting to get rid of that clunky old thing for years now, but it's so heavy with invincibility that I can't even budge it.
Fighter (out of frame) Well, I could take it off your hands if you really don't want it.
If you could see Black Mage's face, well, you'd go insane. But just before that, you'd see that his mouth is hanging wide open.
Matoya takes Fighter to a cupboard.
Matoya Here it is, the legendary Armoire of Invincibility!
Fighter looks at the Armoire of Invincibility.
Fighter What, you mean inside your cabinets there?
Fighter struggles to place the Armoire of Invincibility on his back.
Fighter Not... exactly what I... had in mind... but invincibility... works in... mysterious... ways... urgh.
Black Mage It's be sad if it weren't so painful for him. Therefore, I laugh. Tee hee!


  • Armoire is French for cupboard.