8-Bit Theater
Episode 181
The "weird lookin'"
The "weird lookin'"
Monsters Are Weird Lookin'
Date Published Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 180: Headin' To Pravoka
Next Comic Episode 182: O' Fighter, Where Art Thou
Read Episode

"The fiction is stranger than truth" is what most say. They were proven wrong.


Cast Appearing[]


Black Mage You guys hear something creepy?
Fighter You mean those disgusting noises coming from the unidentifiable orifices of the freak being ahead?
Cut to a Creep.
Creep Splurt! Goowich! Yeargdribble!
Black Mage I told you, you don't have to say "dun dun dun."
Red Mage But it feels so right...
Red Mage This may be a stupid question, but... Which way is it facing?
Thief Is it looking at us? I think that's an eye.
Red Mage No, that's an eye. That thing's... I don't know what that thing is.
Creep spoot!
Fighter So heavy. Can't hold... much longer.
Red Mage Maybe... I don't know any more. It looks like that eye has teeth.
Black Mage Look, the important thing is that we're getting a chance at a preemptive strike. Let's kill it now.
Fighter Mighty muscles... Giving out...
Creep Gackt!
Red Mage But what if it's a one of a kind creature?
Black Mage Then we'll be doing the universe a favor.
Black Mage Fighter, make it bleed! Or if it doesn't do that, at least make it ooze fatally!
Fighter shakes as he makes the sounds "Quiver", "Shake", and "Weak" as his muscles are getting tired of carrying the Armoire of Invincibility. He then is crushed by the Armoire of Invincibility with a "Klong!".
Black Mage Now that's a shame.
Fighter Help... me...


  • The Creep says "Gackt!" at one point. Gackt is the name of a Japanese rock artist, though his real name is "Kamui Gakuto." This may have been unintentional.