8-Bit Theater
Episode 218
It took him 218 comics to realize it.
It took him 218 comics to realize it.
Foiled Again
Date Published Saturday October 23rd, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 217: Thirsty?
Next Comic Episode 219: Drowning Your Sorrows
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Bikke and Garland make a hasty retreat.

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Bikke and Garland made a daring escape to the Pravoka Docks.
Bikke So why is it we ran like dogs? Yar.
Garland Are you mad?!
Bikke I'd say vexed. Yar.
Garland Those accursed Light Warriors defeated your entire pirate crew! Your vicious, vicious pirate crew!
Bikke Aye, that be true, that be true.
But I wouldn't characterize me crew as being vicious per se. Yar.

At least, not since the scurvy took their strength away. Yar.

Garland What.
Bikke I can't afford real oranges, so they been eatin' cheetos for three, maybe four months now. Yar.
They be weak as kittens.
Garland But... what about the grueling henchman interview process? I hired you guys because a big mean villain like me has to be able to beat up his henchmen and your pirates were the only guys I could push around.
Bikke Under normal circumstances, ye would've gone from living to meat in under five seconds. Yar.
Aye. That was the work o' the scurvy. Yar.
Garland So... I'm not a total bad ass fueled by relentless evil?
Bikke By Neptune's beard, ye be only slightly less bad ass than kelp!
Garland sulks.
Bikke If'n it be any consolation to ye, it is evil to beat up on people what is riddled with scurvy.
Garland Aww, shucks. You're just sayin' that to make me feel better.