8-Bit Theater
Episode 233
They missed the apple.
They missed the apple.
An All Too Familiar Doom
Date Published Tuesday December 7th, 2002
Previous Comic Episode 232: National Pride
Next Comic Episode 234: Smart Bomb
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The Elves give the Light Warriors an arrow. How nice of them.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Elven Security Station Alpha, Elfland
  • Bikke's ship, Aldi Sea


The computer screen now reads:-
Elven Archer (On the computer screen) Giant cannon ready on your mark, captain.
Elven Captain ...Fire.
The Archer fires an arrow.
Elven Archer The target will be at the minimum safe distance at the point of impact.
Elven Captain Prepare the defenses for a tidal backlash.
Elven Archer (On the computer screen) Yes sir!
Back on Bikke's ship.
Black Mage (to Thief) And that's why elves are, scientifically speaking, dumbasses.
Thief What does any of that have to do with us slowing down?
Black Mage Geez, Thief. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were an elf-lover.
With a WOOSH!, the arrow falls towards the ship.
Thief Er, no! Why, I hate their ancient and revered culture as much as the next heathen.
The arrow hits Red Mage's hat and sticks it onto the mast pole.
Red Mage That looks just like my-- Hey!
Thief Oh ye Gods! I didn't think they'd be foolish enough to do it, but they've done it!
They actually built the... Giant Cannon!
Red Mage The fools! They have only succeeded in increasing my arrow inventory!
Black Mage Leave it to the elves to build a giant cannon just to launch one stupid arrow.
It gets darker.
Thief I don't think you fully understand the principles at work behind the Giant Cannon.
It gets darker still.
Black Mage What I understand is that...
Wait, the Black Mage's Almanac didn't mention an eclipse.
Thief We are doomed.