8-Bit Theater
Episode 236
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Enterprising Elves
Date Published Tuesday January 14th, 2003
Previous Comic Episode 235: Death From Above!
Next Comic Episode 237: Light Warriors, Queens of the Desert
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There's a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Cast Appearing[]


First Mention Of[]

  • Commander T'pol


Commander and Archer are just outside 'Ye Ladyes Barrackes'.
Commander I demand to know what's going on in there!

And this time, I'm not looking for the hot "elf on elf" action answer.

Archer But it is certainly an acceptable answer!
Light Warriors Here, put this on!

Aww, fug!

Hurry, there's no time!

Lock the door, lock the door!

Archer Those sounded like men's voices, captain.
Captain We'll see about that!
Archer Open this door! I demand to be allowed inside!
Red Mage I think he's gone.
Black Mage Shhhh!
Archer bows to someone off-screen.
Captain I want to know what's going on in there, and I want to know right now!
Commander T'pol appears.
Commander T'pol Archer, you may rise.

However, it would seem Captain Archer has some explaining to do.

Captain Er, Commander T'pol, I can explain, really.
Commander T'pol I'm sure that you can. Let us hope that it is a logical explanation.
Archer It's all quite simple, really.

Captain just wanted to see what was going on in the ladies' barracks.

Commander T'pol Why am I not surprised? This is the third time this month, Captain.
Captain turns to Archer.
Commander T'pol I'm gonna bust you down to private so fast you'll drop three phylums on the way there.