The Light Warriors are stood in Ye Ladyes Barrackes, still disguised as women.
Thief |
I can't believe they fell for it.
Red Mage |
I told you that my disguise skill would be handy.
Black Mage |
That one elf was lookin' at me kinda funny.
Thief |
Oh, yeah. Playing dress up was quick thinking, but I was actually referring to that.
The ship is shown to be stuck vertically through the roof of the building, with a poster covering the protruding part of the ship, declaring Legolas from Lord of the Rings to be Elf-teen Magazine Hunk-o-the-month.
Red Mage |
I suppose it was a rather brilliant stroke of misdirection, if I do say so myself.
Fighter |
He is kinda cute though.
Black Mage |
Dammit, Fighter.