8-Bit Theater
Episode 247
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Early to Bed, Early to Destruction
Date Published Sunday February 8th, 2003
Previous Comic Episode 246: The Big House
Next Comic Episode 248: Dream Analysis
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The Light Warriors plan a great escape!

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And so, that morning...
Red Mage I have formulated yet another brilliant scheme. Our escape will be a great success.
Red Mage shows the blueprints of his plan, which say: "Jail" "Action, Hijinx -> "Freedom!".
Red Mage I admit that I haven't worked out every last detail, but I'm confident everything will work out for the best in the end.
Black Mage Okay. Let's call that "Plan Stupid", in honor of its creator, Mr. Stupid.
Black Mage gets out some paper to write down his joke.
Black Mage Heh, "Mr. Stupid". Man, where do I come up with 'em!
Red Mage Well, I don't see your ingenious plot to free us.
Black Mage Yeah? Well you're about to see it so hard it'll make your eyes bleed, baby!
Black Mage charges up his Hadoken.
Black Mage See, if there's no jail, then we can't be stuck in it. Ha!
Red Mage Hm... you certainly make a compelling case.
Thief lunges into Black Mage
Thief NO!
You'll destroy my ancestral home!
Thief ...Er, is what those darn elves would say if you did that.
Yeah, that's what I meant.
Besides, BM, you don't want to use your Hadoken attack so soon.
Black Mage You don't know me very well, do you?
Thief Okay, you shouldn't use your Hadoken so soon.