Meanwhile, At The Legion of Doom Lair of the Dark Warriors...
Cast Appearing[]
Temple of Fiends
Meanwhile, a triumverate of evil plotted against our heroes...
Bikke |
The way I do be seein' it is simple.
Drizz'l |
It'd just about have to be, wouldn't it?
Garland |
For the last time, Bikke, no. I'm the leader of this outfit because it was my idea for us to team up.
Garland |
Plus it's my house.
Garland |
So unless you've got a kickass pirate ship or a secluded hellcave handy, we go by my rules.
Bikke |
But you just made that up!
Garland |
Me making up rules, including rules that may contradict other rules, is allowed by the rules.
Bikke |
I see, startin' up ye own dictatorship, is ye?
Drizz'l |
Or a religion.