Fighter |
(holding one of his swords) We could attack it. I've got pointy, dangerous implements and a hankerin' to use 'em.
Thief |
We have not had the best of luck dealing with giants.
Red Mage |
Yes. They tend to destroy us.
Fighter |
Bah! What threat could this one possibly pose?
Fighter |
It's only vastly superior to us in every conceivable way that could ever matter in a fight. We are mere insects to him.
Thief |
Perhaps you are not listening to yourself.
Fighter |
All I know is my best friend is stuck under there!
Red Mage |
Perhaps you never listened to Black Mage either.
Fighter |
We've got to get him out of there! I know he'd do the same for me.
Fighter |
He might!
Thief |
We never said he would not!
Red Mage |
Not explicitly, no.
Fighter |
Well, okay, not on purpose and maybe not immediately. But there's definitely a pretty decent chance that if a giant fell on me, BM would blast it into oblivion at some point for unrelated reasons. And, assuming I had not been killed by the giant or its obliteration, then I could get out.
Thief |
To me, the saddest part is that he believes what he is saying.
Red Mage |
That poor, stupid fool.