8-Bit Theater
Episode 445
Berserker insults proper.
Berserker insults proper.
The Zing's the Thing
Date Published Tuesday July 27th, 2004
Previous Comic Episode 444: The Lowest High Point Yet
Next Comic Episode 446: "Stand Up Next to a Mountain..."
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And I thought Europeans came up with bad stereotypes...

Cast Appearing[]



Berserker We may be temporarily delayed due to your friend's injury, but we must look on the bright side of it.
Black Mage What, that Thief won't be talking for the duration?
Black Mage That's what we call a zing, by the way.
Berserker We may take this opportunity to learn more about each of our groups.
To trade tales of our travels and news from across the world.
Berserker I'm sure you ladies must have many entertaining stories to tell since you are obviously from the circus.
Black Mage There are two things wrong with that sentence, and both of them are all of it.
What makes you think we're ladies?
Berserker Oh, I don't think that.
That'd be stupid.
Ranger and your Thief fellow are male.
Ranger explained to me some time ago that those of Elven descent aren't necessarily the most masculine in appearance.
Fighter So why do you think we're girls?
Berserker Your distinct lack of beards, of course.
Black Mage And this fact completely overrides our lack of female secondary sexual characteristics, i.e. boobies?
Berserker Aye.
Black Mage And the whole circus performers thing?
Berserker Well, I mean, look at you.
Red Mage, Fighter, and Black Mage look down at their clothes.
Berserker As they say in the vernacular, "Zing."