8-Bit Theater
Episode 511
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Hey, brother, can you spare a quarter
Date Published Thursday, February 3rd, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 510: Geography Lesson
Next Comic Episode 512: BRB
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Fighter, being an idiot, goes to investigate...for a quarter.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Dark Warriors' galleon


Fighter We know one thing for sure.
There's a mystery on this boat and those sailors are at the heart of it.
Black Mage There is no mystery. They are the Dark Warriors. They're not even wearing their disguises now.
Garland Hiya.
Fighter Don't worry, Black Mage. Encyclopedia Fighter is on the case!
Black Mage (quietly) Didn't we use that once already?
Fighter A payment of a single quarter is all I require.
Black Mage (turns his back) I refuse to indulge this fantasy of yours in any way.
Fighter Then I am off!
Black Mage Unless his fantasy involves repeated shovings of a knife through his precious spine.
I could be down for that.
Fighter Thief, I need a quarter so I can take the case.
Thief How about this.
Thief I keep the quarter and when you get this case, I'll get 50% of the rights to it.
Fighter 80%!
Thief Oh, if you insist.
Fighter RM, I need a quarter so I can take the case.
Red Mage Find your own quarter, I'm saving for my mount.
Fighter Man, I'll never get on the case at this rate.
Cut to a PLINK! of a Cornerian quarter, with Fighter holding it.
Bikke Yar,