8-Bit Theater
Episode 516
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Liberally Bleeding Heart
Date Published Thursday, February 17th, 2005
Previous Comic Technicolor Yawn
Next Comic Episode 517: Ice-capades
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Red Mages develops the idea of cold fusion, but the team thinks its stupid.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Unnamed tundra


Red Mage I honestly wonder what you guys would do without me.
Black Mage (thinking) Enjoy life?
Red Mage Not only did I devise a method to save our lives using the meager resources available...
But I was immediately able to adapt these plans to the temporary loss of Fighter.
Fighter I think the cold has slowed the liberal flow of my blood.
Black Mage Yeah, it's also going to give us hypothermia unless Captain Big Mouth gets to the point.
Black Mage Or do you plan to keep us alive by exposing us to your particular brand of hot air?
Black Mage Oh man, that's a classic.
I pity whomever I'm with the next time I'm freezing to death.
Black Mage scribbles his little quip on a piece of note paper.
Red Mage Well--
Black Mage Wait!
He continues to scribble.
Black Mage "...of hot air." Okay, go on.
Red Mage Right.
So, based on the principle of hot air being hot, as Black Mage alluded to, I took it upon myself to investigate the source of hot air as a concept.
Red Mage Long, brilliant story of analytical genius short: Heat comes from energy. the greatest source of energy is fusion.
Red Mage So, in a stunning leap of mental power, I constructed our own fusion generator out of what I could find.
Thief There's nothing but ice for thousands and thousands of miles.
Red Mage How else do you propose to create cold fusion?