8-Bit Theater
Episode 549
Don't group us in with that pervert.
Don't group us in with that pervert.
One More for the Road
Date Published Thursday, May 5, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 548: Masters of Disguise
Next Comic Episode 550: Observations
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At least he lives to see another day!

Cast Appearing[]


  • An unnamed city


Drizz'l You there!
Messenger (wearing oversized glasses) Er?
Drizz'l I say, you there!
Messenger You fool! Don't draw attention to me! I'm on the lam!
Drizz'l Let's leave livestock out of this. The less I know about your filthy human mating rituals, the better I feel.
Messenger You don't understand!
Drizz'l That's what separates me from perverts such as yourself.
Messenger Just go away. He'll see me!
Drizz'l I thought you freaks would be into that sort of thing.
Messenger I finally built a life for myself here. Why can't I ever find any peace?
Drizz'l If I had to guess, I'd say it's because of societies as backwards as you humans have cobbled together recognize that it's a good idea to shun people with hideous urges like yours.
Hank (jumping down from above) There you are!
Messenger (running away) I fear death only slightly more than I hate my life!
Messenger I curse you, ebony stranger!
Garland Would you care to divulge your teams weaknesses and secrets?
Fighter Would I!