8-Bit Theater
Episode 577
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So Many Warriors
Date Published Saturday, July 16, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 576: Racial Violence
Next Comic Episode 578: One More Look Into The Mind Of Fighter
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Black Mage hates the Other Warriors that much...

Cast Appearing[]



Black Mage Great.
Ranger Good morrow and well met, fellow adventurers all!
Black Mage If you're that jerk Ranger, then the rat-hobo is...
Red Mage Berserker, the greatest conversationalist of our age.
Also, everything he says is scary.
Berserker Gnash, rip, hate!
Oh, I say!
Someone's gone and mangled this poor fellow. And then covered me in his blood. And his organs.
Thief Ghhkt.
Berserker That's the spirit, old bean. Buck up.
You've still got most of what may very well be your liver.
Black Mage I thought you guys ran off to kill one another thanks to Thief's finest mental hoodwink since Red Mage's big, fake, cross-dressing thing.
Berserker (muttering) I don't know what this one is though.
Red Mage Yeah.

Wait, what?
Black Mage (tosses black powder) Amnesia dust!
Red Mage Why is it black?
Black Mage Because it's gunpowder.
He lights a match.
Red Mage It's what?!
Black Mage See, you've already forgotten.
The gunpowder explodes with a BOOM!
Black Mage Now what were we--
Cleric Brothers, are you safe? It sounded like someone's Amnesia Dust took light.