8-Bit Theater
Episode 579
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Little Miracles
Date Published Thursday, July 21, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 578: One More Look Into The Mind Of Fighter
Next Comic Episode 580: Sea Gods Are Pussies
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When a Snake dies, do we scream out "SNAAAAAKE!"?

Cast Appearing[]



Red Mage But I don't want to talk to him.
Black Mage The things about that is I don't care.
Red Mage Fighter could--
Fighter (beside a "dancing" Thing) When The Thing dances, is it called the Thingamajig?
Red Mage You could talk to him.
Black Mage (leaving) No, I'll be too busy with not being anywhere near the guy.
Red Mage But his veins are filled with with rage and his bones are made out of calcium and murder.
Red Mage He's a dangerous psycho who should--
Berserker Hello.
Red Mage Okay.
Ranger Greetings, gentle sir!
Black Mage Yeah, yeah. Totally greetings.
Ranger Do not worry about your bosom chum. Cleric is a miracle worker. Literally!
Ranger See, because Cleric works with the gods.
So, y'know, miracles.
Black Mage Yes, I'm sure that was hilarious.
Black Mage What god does he worship? If it happens to be atrociously evil, I could probably help out.
(his eyes sparkle ominously) And by "help out" I mean sacrifice him to gain favor with my Dark Lord.
Ranger Cleric is strictly freelance.
Black Mage Freelance?
Cleric Okay, I've shopped around.
Cleric The Trickster God took a peculiar interest in this case and has offered his services free of charge.
Ranger What luck! That's wonderful, Cleric.
Cleric Oh, yes. He was all smiles.
Black Mage You know what it is that Trickster Gods do, right?
Cleric I don't know, keep promises?