8-Bit Theater
Episode 627
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Date Published Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Previous Comic Episode 626: Spinelessness
Next Comic Episode 628: A Little Stuck
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Now how "useless" can a grossly severed tail be?

Cast Appearing[]



Red Mage I have disposed of the zombie dragon's remains in the ancient ways.
Red Mage His bones I scattered and broke before before I buried them.
Red Mage His head was buried upside down at a cross roads.
I added the upside down part as an extra measure.
Black Mage Ideally, this is how we would deal with all of our enemies.
Thief Meanwhile, I have plundered the room's treasure chest and found "nothing."
Black Mage Say that last part again.
Thief What? That I found "nothing."
Black Mage There! Why are you saying that funny?
Thief I "don't know" what you're talking about.
Black Mage You're still doing it!
Thief No, I'm "not."
Black Mage gets frustrated.
Black Mage By what definition of nothing are you going... by.
Thief The "standard" one.
Thief (holding out a tail) However, if it'll distract you from my lies, I found a really gross severed tail.
Black Mage Sounds useless and flammable.
Red Mage sees it and suddenly realizes...