8-Bit Theater
Episode 644
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Date Published Tuesday, January 5, 2006
Previous Comic Episode 643: Real Ultimate Power
Next Comic Episode 645: Glitter Boy
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Black Mage tries to figure out how Red Mage did what he just did.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Open, demolished field


Black Mage Explanations!
Red Mage I... I don't know. Just by watching it, it was like I knew how to cast it. It was so obvious. So simple. It had to be made manifest.
Black Mage So what, you change clothes and suddenly you're a master of lost magic? I don't buy it.
Thief What should that mean to those of us who didn't waste our lives nerding it up in a wizard's convent?
Black Mage Disregarding your gross ignorance of mage architectural naming schema, it sounds like he's talking about Blue Magic. But that's a myth.
Fighter Hold on. You can't cast Blue Magic. You're wearing red.
Red Mage So are you.
Fighter Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Wait.
Fighter Wait.
Black Mage grabs, then stabs, Fighter.
Black Mage So. Moving on.
Thief There's Blue Magic now?
Black Mage There always has been. Or, more accurately, there never was.
Thief Thanks for clearing that up.
Fighter Wait. Okay, yeah. My mind is to totally blown.