Why is there a pile of meat and feathers in the rough shape of a hideous mutated chocobo over there?
Red Mage
That would be my handiwork, thanks.
I see, another question then.
Red Mage
Theif kicks Red Mage in the face with the words KER-INQUIRY! poping up.
Red Mage
Good question.
Black Mage
That aberration can't possibly get us off this island. What's the point?
Fighter is standing on top of the creature
You can ride it!
Black Mage
Fighter, get down from there, you know better than to ride crimes against nature.
Aww, MAN. I never get to ride crimes against nature, or hobos, or nuthin'.
Red Mage
Obviously, this chocobo won't get us off this island. He can hardly breath, really. But I had to do something with all the inferior genes to make way for the Ultimate, Perfect creature.
Huh. That's how Elf Mythology explains the excistence of all the other races.