8-Bit Theater
Episode 707
Those old people
Those old people
The Shoe That Brok The Mage's Back
Date Published June 13th 2006
Previous Comic Episode 706: New Path, Same Destination
Next Comic Episode 708: Come On Inn
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Old people continue to pester Black Mage.

Cast Appering[]



Hours Later...
Black Mage (While standing in front of a large pile of shoes) Lady, You've tried on every shoe in the store, including the men's and children's shoes, which clearly wouldn't fit.
Old Lady Don't you tell what won't fit because it's physically impossible I'm old and possible senile.
Black Mage As you insist on telling me every few minutes, yes.
Old Lady Now you cobble me up a comfortable pair of shoes, or I'll start making unreasonable demands that I have no intention of letting you fulfill.
Black Mage (While taking out a knife) Okay.
You asked for it.
White Mage What a pleasant landing that was.
Fighter I'll say.
Thief It involved a lot less fire than usual too.
Red Mage And no blood!
White Mage Oh, you guys are such jokesters.
I can't help but notice that you aren't laughing.