8-Bit Theater
Episode 787
Sometimes, if you look really close at Antarctica, you can see the Earth poot a little.
Sometimes, if you look really close at Antarctica, you can see the Earth poot a little.
Course Change
Date Published Tuesday December 26th, 2006
Previous Comic Episode 786: Circus Performers
Next Comic Episode 788: Mountain Climbing
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Black Mage is fired from a cannon, and we meet Dragoon!

Cast Appearing[]


  • Jeff's Budget Holiday Travel
  • The Sky
  • Near Lefein


Black Mage Y'now. This seemed a lot more reasonable about five minutes ago.
Jeff Yes, you are right.
Black Mage I'm airborne, I'm airborne!
Black Mage This is the most amazing experience of my life!
Black Mage Except for all those other times I was painfully hurled into the stratosphere
Black Mage Why is this my life?
Dragoon appears.
Black Mage Uh...?
Dragoon Easy, Sir, I've got you.
Black Mage You've got me? Who's got you?
Dragoon stabs Black Mage with his spear.
Black Mage I don't understand how hurting me answers the question.
An impact in the snow