8-Bit Theater
Episode 902
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We Hurt The Ones We Loathe
Date Published 2007/10/04
Previous Comic Episode 901: It Must Be Leap Year
Next Comic Episode 903: Awakenings
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A "bad trip" in more ways than one

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Black Mage Well, this is just great.
Darko What, you again? What do you do, look for ways to get yourself killed?
Black Mage Hey. What I do in my spare time to get back into Hell is none of your business.
Darko That would be ill-advised. We've invested too much into your progress to allow a detour of that magnitude.
I mean, transfer of ownership over the Nine Realms of Ultimate Damnation. You can't begin to imagine the paperwork that involves.
So stick to your mysterious evil destiny.
Black Mage Okay. Speaking of which, what is it?
Darko Not very mysterious if I told you, duh.
Black Mage I don't know what else I could have expected you to say.
Black Mage is suddenly put through agonizing pain.
Black Mage Wow, okay.
Did the entire universe turn into pure focused agony for you, or was it just me?
Darko No, that was you.
Black Mage's agony returns.
Black Mage What would do that?
Cut to the world of the living, where Red Mage is standing atop Black Mage's corpse.
Red Mage Just a few more jumps. Make it a nice round five.
Maybe ten.