
ScatheMote - 14:57, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
Sadly, this new editor makes making script pages a million times more tedious. Before, when writing a script page, one just went:

Not anymore. Now we must go the template bar, click other template, search for the template, type in what we what, press ok, put the template where we want it (in a incredibly stupid view), and repeat over and over again until done. Also, templates don't show the perimeters, they only show the template name.Linking is even worse. You have to click the link button, type in the article name, type in the link text, press ok, place the link where we want it, and then we're done. Tables aren't even tables anymore, and did I mention we can't color them? My last gripe is that category select comes back if we use the new editor, I think we know how much we love category select.I, of course, want to disable it as soon as possible so that new users can actually create script pages, and that we can make script pages in under 3 hours. In the meantime, go the editing preferences and turn it off.

Jeppo - 8-Bit nut since 2008
TALK - 20:58, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
I never use Rich Text editing anyway. I turned it off straight away without even using it.
TALK - 22:45, 15 June 2009 (UTC)'s that tedious? I haven't even tried it, but if anyone wants a change, I've always done it with GreaseMonkey on and wikiEd

And this be why IPs editing pages rearranges the top bar of {| and changes HEX codes to use lowercase letters? How does this editor improve on the good ol' editor?  Lion Heart 19:42, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

ScatheMote - 21:57, 22 June 2009 (UTC)
It's been disabled. \(^.^)/
Jeppo - 8-Bit nut since 2008
TALK - 00:15, 23 June 2009 (UTC)