How I Killed Your Master
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|200px|It's a bit of a depressing return to the story.]]
It's a bit of a depressing return to the story.
Date Published Monday, September 28th, 2010
Previous Comic How I Killed Your Master – 066
Next Comic How I Killed Your Master – 068
Read Episode

Wong escapes, but…

Cast Appearing[]


  • Xiao Chengzhen


Choking Thug G'on and run. You'll only die tired.
Fang Lin I can…handle these guys. Go!
Wong (Narrating over) "I ran."
Chan Sen "But what of Fang Lin?"
Wong "They took her, Chan Sen. I did not know where."
Chan Sen "The man who killed Xu Li ran? From common rabble?"
Wong "I was not the man who killed Xu Li then. I hadn't so much as met Xu Li."
Wong "I didn't want to run, but there was no aruing with Fang Lin. 'Duty before self' as they say in the Tiger Knuckle school."
Chan Sen "I thought it was 'A hundred of this is as one of that.'"
Wong "They have several credos."
Wong "But she was right. I held the fate of Xiao Chengzheng in my hands. Or, more accurately, my pocket."