8-Bit Theater
Thanksgiving 2002
Guest Comic
Date Published Saturday November 30th, 2002
Previous Comic Thanksgiving 2002 Guest Comic (November 28th)
Next Comic Episode 220: Hallucination of Destiny
Read Episode

Fighter's true purpose is revealed!

Cast Appearing[]


  • Ruined city
  • Ground zero of a nuclear bomb
  • Generic empty field of grass.


Nobody can truly guess why the gods created such a destructive force, and why access to it can be granted to mere mortals. Regardless, however, the possibility is there.
As with any power, used incorrectly, this divine gift can be misused with utmost disregard for the well-being of others.
In the hands of a psychopath, this power will cause fear and destruction throughout the land.
But, as with any power of this variety.....
The gods created a balance. A way to resist this oppression if their gifts had been abused.....
Fighter Shoryuken!
Fighter Umm, I tried doing that hadoken thingy... But I think I got the buttons mixed up. Can you show me again?
Black Mage Organs... Surrendering like... The French....
(Thief swoops by and steals Black Mage's money.)
Fighter Hey, you might want to put another token in the machine...
Black Mage Must... Stab... Stabbin' Knife Welded... To Spleen. Blarg....